How to Remove WordPress Encrypted Footer Code?

Decrypting WordPress encrypted footer code is sometimes labeled as dark practice by many theme designers. Users have learned that some of these are called malicious codes. In fact, designers use encrypted footer code to leave author’s name and to promote their designs as well.

Actually, there are thousand of Free WordPress Themes that contains encrypted footer code. Some of them are tagged as malicious because there are unnecessary “malicious” keywords or hidden links inserted on the footer. Example are Casino, Forex, Credit Cards and others that are not connected with the author and mostly not appealing to Google.

One thing to remember when choosing Free WordPress Themes is to download it directly at the author’s site. And if you don’t like the footer, then don’t use the theme and find another.

Removing encrypted footer is good, but make sure to include the author’s name when modifying your theme’s footer.

An example of encrypted footer code :

Here’s the step by step procedure when removing encrypted footer code :

1. Open your index.php and search the include code for the footer that’s usually look like this

2. Add this comment code on the top and bottom of the footer code and save the file

3. Next is open the site on your browser and view the source code. Press Cntrl+U when using Firefox and View Source if using IE.

4. Now

5. Final step. Open your and replace the encrypted code with the new code from step 4.

Note : You can now start modifying your theme’s footer, but please always include credits of the author.

Hope you find this post useful! Thanks to and for the tips. Happy Blogging!

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